The Denudation Of The Exoneration: Part 11
In today’s installment, Sayyid Imam issues another mubahala, this time concerning the publication of his Compendium. You’ll have to look at Zawahiri’s Exoneration to really understand what Sayyid Imam is reacting to, but in short he believes that Zawahiri plagarized his book. There’s also some pointed barbs about Zawahiri’s hunger for media attention. Imam connects the two lines of attack by saying that Zawahiri is largely talentless and instead relies on the hard work of others to attract the limelight. Doubtless some of Jihadica’s readers know the type. Continuing… I am writing this book to warn people, especially the youth, who are being led by deviant ideas and fiery sermons to their doom. These ideas and sermons have no avail and achieve nothing on the groud. They are just media noise. Bin Laden has used Zawahiri to do his dirty work, which is distorting religion to justify Bin Laden’s ideas.